customer's voice

J.F.REY BROOKLYN-C0001 / 宮城県仙台市・W様

JFREY BROOKLYN-C0001 / Mr. W, Sendai City, Miya...

1) What led you to purchase this product? Because these were glasses that I had been curiou...

effector lyn-CBR / 大阪府大阪市・T様

effector lyn-CBR / Mr. T, Osaka City, Osaka Pre...

1) What led you to purchase this product? I liked the Effector MUNAKATA that I usually use,...

J.F.REY BROOKLYN-C2525 / 大阪府門真市・O様

JFREY BROOKLYN-C2525 / Mr. O, Kadoma City, Osak...

1) What led you to purchase this product? I've wanted a JFREY for a while, and I've been pa...

BJクラシック P-510MT-C1-5H / 新潟県長岡市・H様

BJ Classic P-510MT-C1-5H / Mr. H, Nagaoka City,...

1) What led you to purchase this product? I saw BJ Classic Collection glasses in a magazine ...

A'rossvy 209250808 / 宮城県宮城郡・M様

A'rossvy 209250808 / Mr. M, Miyagi District, Mi...

1) What led you to purchase this product? I bought this because I like Rosby. 2) What l...

BJクラシック COM-501-C1 / 新潟県魚沼市・A様

BJ Classic COM-501-C1 / Mr. A, Uonuma City, Nii...

1) What led you to purchase this product? I wanted glasses from BJ Classic Collection aft...

J.F.REY ジェイエフレイ 1985 TRACKS-0065 / 埼玉県八潮市・T様

JFREY 1985 TRACKS-0065 / Mr. T, Yashio City, Sa...

My glasses arrived safely. I tried it on when it first came out and liked it, but I didn't ...

EFFECTOR crunch-BK・MUNAKATA-BK / 愛知県豊橋市・H様

EFFECTOR crunch-BK・MUNAKATA-BK / Mr. H, Toyohas...

1) What led you to purchase this product? I liked effectors 2) What led you to use th...

EVE un BLUE  TALON-001-C111-21 / さいたま市南区・T様

EVE un BLUE TALON-001-C111-21 / Mr. T, Minami W...

Thank you for the other day. It fits your face and is very comfortable to use. We hope to c...

kodak-color ストークS / 神奈川県鎌倉市・M様

kodak-color Stoke S / Mr. M, Kamakura City, Kan...

It arrived today. Extremely satisfied. I look forward to working with you again if you have ...

kodak-color コモG / 大阪府茨木市・N様

kodak-color COMO G / Mr. N, Ibaraki City, Osaka...

Hello The product just arrived safely. I would like to start using it at work tomorrow. ...

SA 1.60 球面 FRESHコート レンズ交換 / 三重県度会郡・Y様

SA 1.60 spherical FRESH coat lens replacement /...

Good evening. safely arrived. I look forward to working with you again if you have the op...