Effector fuzz full-up / Mr. I, Oita City, Oita Prefecture Thank you.

EFFECTOR fuzz-fullup-GY

I have been using it and love it since I bought it.
I look forward to working with you again if you have the opportunity.


1) When purchasing, were there any other glasses stores that you compared?

The only option was for purchased items. I decided on this shop because many of the products were out of stock.

2) How did you decide on the glasses you purchased or why you chose our store?

There were many shops that were almost out of stock, and this shop had it in stock and seemed reliable.

3) If you were to give a score to the glasses you purchased this time, how many points would you give them out of 10?

10 points

4) What are you satisfied with? And what kind of people would you recommend it to?

I think the good thing about it is that it has a lot of images and it makes people want to buy it. Recommended for those who don't have a store nearby that carries it or don't have it in stock.

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